My Vids

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In Car Back Road Vid I took of me on a back road incar shot

Back Road 2 Vid of me on a twisty road and a little straight shot

Nightshot Clip of me at night.

My 93 Trans Am vid A little vid I made to show just what my cars got to it

Another vid of me With metallica stone cold crazy as a back ground music

My Burnout clip My burn out at the frackville cruise taken out of the vid below

My 12.26@115 run Sorry its not the greatest its the only vid someone got of it the other car was an 00 WS6

12.57 in car shot 12.57 run from inside the car

fbody Vid Vid I made for almost all the cars in there are people from there

Frackville 03 cruise Cool vid of the SLFBA produced by Chad Seitzinger

Me in Knight Rider same vid as above but a little longer with the night rider song in the back ground

Mikey wheel stand Crazy vid of mike standing it straight up.

Pain vid

Pain vid 2
